Monday, October 13, 2008


this is so............... 'ketinggalan zaman'
just create my blog. haha! daym... so yeah.
just got back from mcd ampang with jep.
bantai some nugget with sweet n sour sauce.woow!!
act i haven't ate dinner yet so... theres no way to stop me
from having a nice juicy byte of that thing. hehehe..
at first i didn't plan at all.. then suddenly i grab my hp n msg jep
eh eh no.. bukan2. i chat with him then mcm mane tah. pastu tibe2 plan pegi mc d

my plan tonight is actually to finish my god damn lyric..
no idea man!! grrr... baru abis first verse je. haih.
sambil2 tu msg aida lah. ngee! =D
im waiting for her to finish her exams. i mean aida..
wanna take her out jalan2. but i must wait for my gaji la kan..hee!
im working tomorrow at 3. so i guest this is it.. time for me to sleep
ciow2. (best gak ckp sorang)

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