Tuesday, October 14, 2008

gobo upstairs freakin bz.. happy bday sayang!! =)

ok.... today is damn tiring. penat gilaaa ok!
i was like working in hells kitchen.. damn it!
ini abis itu abis.. u know. there one menu called whipped potato..
i cook almost 10 bowls.. abis tau!! so.. i must cook another 10. amacam?
haih... we're suppose to clear kitchen around 10. But suddenly around 9.40 i think..
theres few 'mat saleh' coming in and still wanna eat.
i was like 'AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! BALIK LAH KORANG NI SEMUA!!!!'
(i mean to the guest la kan). takkan nak jerit kat budak2 kitchen ngn chef?
mau kene baling periuk.
and when order's keep on coming to the kitchen.. we were all bz like hell.
is this world war 2?? haha! no joke man. btoll... mcm perang tau tak. gilaaa..
adoi... so after all the guest ciow. i think around 10.20 mcm tu. finally baru blh clear..
one hell of a day.. people keep on coming in like theres no tomorrow.
ok yeah.. so i finish work. i punch out around 11. woooww..
after that i walk to klcc to take bus to ampang point.. after that i decided to jogg from there, i mean from ampang point to my house. so i did.. pastu ujan seyh. daym..
im planing to buang all the lemak2 tepu in my body. seriously... takleh tahan lah.

after i reach home. mandi2 sume.. after that off to aida's hse to gave her a bday present..
dia taktau pun =D act today is her bday. HAPPY BDAY AIDA AIDA AIDA!!!!! ;) (siapa yg baca ni kene wish kat dia gak. paham??) good2. so kte lepak lah kat level 21. view memang best!!
terbaik. my fav place.. +playground. hehe.. lepak punya lepak. pastu tibe2 haus.. adoi.
so i tell aida that im haus laa.. after that straight to her hse. lepak minum jap.. after that blk.
aida sukaaa present tu!!! hee. im happy for her.. no time la. kalau tak kerja lagi best present tu.. adoi. but im planning to take her out next week. tp dia tak janji :(
im gonna make it happen.. hehe.
ok dah ngantok.. esok keje. bye2!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


this is so............... 'ketinggalan zaman'
just create my blog. haha! daym... so yeah.
just got back from mcd ampang with jep.
bantai some nugget with sweet n sour sauce.woow!!
act i haven't ate dinner yet so... theres no way to stop me
from having a nice juicy byte of that thing. hehehe..
at first i didn't plan at all.. then suddenly i grab my hp n msg jep
eh eh no.. bukan2. i chat with him then mcm mane tah. pastu tibe2 plan pegi mc d

my plan tonight is actually to finish my god damn lyric..
no idea man!! grrr... baru abis first verse je. haih.
sambil2 tu msg aida lah. ngee! =D
im waiting for her to finish her exams. i mean aida..
wanna take her out jalan2. but i must wait for my gaji la kan..hee!
im working tomorrow at 3. so i guest this is it.. time for me to sleep
ciow2. (best gak ckp sorang)